Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Frame-Relay Guide (Point-to-Point and Point-to-Multipoint)

This tutorial explains How to configure Frame Relay step by step in Cisco Routers, How to configure LMI option and DLCI number in Frame Relay, How to create point-point and multipoint connection in frame Relay, How to create frame Relay sub interface, how to simulate frame relay in packet tracer and how to verify Frame Relay implementation in detail with example including Frame Relay configuration commands sheet.
You can follow this tutorial on any network simulator software or even on real Cisco devices (if you can afford them for practice). I personally prefer Packet Tracer network simulator software.
We will start with the simplest example of Frame Relay. Once we understood that simple example, then we will add more terms in next example. This easy approach will help us to learn Frame Relay configuration easily.

Create a topology as illustrate in following figure.

frame relay practice topology
This is the simplest example of Frame Relay network. It includes only two routers and one frame relay cloud. Both routers connected with each other via Frame Relay cloud. At this time there is no configuration in any device.
In real life Frame Relay provider company builds VCs but in LAB environment we have to bear this responsibility.

Frame Relay Configuration in Packet Tracer step by step

To simulate VCs in packet tracer following steps are required :-
Click Cloud-PT and click Config. From left pane select appropriate interface.

LMI :- Frame Relay supports three LMI options; ANSI, Cisco and Q933a. Whatever option we choose here, we have to use the same option at DTE ( serial 0/0/0 interface of router).
DLCI :- DTE device will identify this VC from DLCI number. Whatever number (usually 17 to 1000) we use here, we must have to use the same number at DTE. DLCI number must be unique for a Frame Relay interface.
Connection Name :- Connection name is used to map VCs between interfaces.
configure frame relay in packet tracer step 2

On Job
LMI option and DLCI number are provided by Frame Relay company.
Follow the same process and configure LMI and DLCI number for serial 1 interface.
configure frame relay in packet tracer step 3
Now finally it’s time to link this VC. Select Frame Relay option from left pane. In Right window select interface and connection from dropdown box. This represent one end of VC. For other end of VC we need to select appropriate connection and interface from right side dropdown boxes.
R1 is connected on Serial 0 and we have created a connection naming R1toR2. So in left side we will select Serial 0 and R1toR2.
R2 is connected on Serial 1 and we have created a connection naming R2toR1. So in right side we will select Serial 1 and R2toR1.
Once we are done click add button.
configure frame relay in packet tracer step 1
Frame Relay connects two sites via VC (Virtual Circuit). Service [Frame Relay] provider company uses its internal infrastructure to build VCs. Neither end user need to know this technology nor provider company share this information with users. All the end user need to know is which VC is connected with which site. For this information Frame Relay assigns two DLCI values in each VC, one for each end. End user uses this value to identify the other end of VC. Previous part of this article explains these terms in more detail.
Just like real life environment, we ( Frame Relay ) need to share LMI option and DLCI number with DTE (customer). In our example these values will be following
For R1
LMI option – ANSI
DLCI Number – 100
For R2
LMI option – Cisco
DLCI Number – 101
That’s all setting we need in packet tracer to simulate Frame Relay. Now it’s time to configure DTE ends. We need following essential configuration on both routers to bring this network up.
Router1#configure terminal
Router1(config)#interface serial 0/0/0
Router1(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relay
Router1(config-if)#ip address
Router1(config-if)#frame-relay interface-dlci 100
Router1(config-if)#frame-relay lmi-type ansi
Router1(config-if)#no shutdown
Router2#configure terminal
Router2(config)#interface serial 0/0/0
Router2(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relay
Router2(config-if)#ip address
Router2(config-if)#frame-relay interface-dlci 101
Router2(config-if)#no shutdown
Let’s understand above configuration step by step. As we know, routers allow us to run different WAN services on different interfaces. So our first logical objective is to identify the correct interface. As figure shows interface serial 0/0/0 is assigned for frame relay on both routers. To configure Frame Relay on this interface we need to enter in interface mode. First three commands in above configuration are used for this purpose.
enable :- This command is used to enter in privileged exec mode.
configure terminal :- This command is used to enter in global configuration mode.
interface serial 0/0/0 :- This command is used to enter in interface mode.
In Cisco routers default encapsulation is set to HDLC. We cannot use Frame Relay with default encapsulation. Next command changes this encapsulation.
Router1(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relay :- This command will change default encapsulation method to Frame Relay.
Next command assigns IP address in interface.
Router1(config-if)#ip address This command assign IP address in Serial 0/0/0 of R1.
Router2(config-if)#ip address :- This command assign IP address in Serial 0/0/0 of R2.
Next command assigns DLCI value in interface.
Router1(config-if)#frame-relay interface-dlci 100 :- This command assigns DLCI value 100 in Serial interface of R1.
Router2(config-if)#frame-relay interface-dlci 101 :- This command assigns DLCI value 101 in Serial interface of R2.
Next command sets LMI option in interface. Until we change LMI option with next command default LMI option is set to Cisco (in Cisco routers).
Router1(config-if)#frame-relay lmi-type ansi :- This command will change default LMI option to ANSI.
Have you notice ? we did not run this command in R2. Since LMI option [Cisco] that we got from provider matches with the default (Cisco) setting, so there is no need to run this command in R2.
By default all interfaces on router are disabled. We need to enable them before they can communicate with other.
Router2(config-if)#no shutdown :- This command will enable the Serial interface.
Last two commands [exit] are used to return back in privileged exec mode.
That’s all configuration we need to do in routers.
Let’s test our implementation with ping command.
test frame relay
If ping return with success, move in next section. Otherwise check your configuration again. For troubleshooting you can use my configured topology.

Now we are familiar with Frame Relay basic configuration. In next section we will understand advance configuration options with a complex example like fully mashed or partially mashed.

Frame Relay configuration example

Create a topology as illustrate in following figure.

Frame Relay supports two types of network; fully meshed and partially meshed.
Fully meshed :- A network where all sites are connected with each other’s via direct link.
Partially meshed :- A network where all sites do not have direct link.
Previous part of this article explains these types in detail with examples.
To understand fully meshed network we will connect R1, R2 and R3 via direct links. To get an overview of partially meshed network we will connect R4 only with R1.

Fully Meshed Network Configuration (Multipoint)

DeviceInterfaceIP AddressDLCI NumberConnected with
R1Sub-Serial 0/0/0.1192.168.1.1/24100R2
R1Sub-Serial 0/0/0.1192.168.1.1/24101R3
R2Sub-Serial 0/0/0.1192.168.1.2/24100R1
R2Sub-Serial 0/0/0.1192.168.1.2/24101R3
R3Sub-Serial 0/0/0.1192.168.1.3/24100R1
R3Sub-Serial 0/0/0.1192.168.1.3/24101R2

Partially Meshed Network Configuration (Point-to-point)

DeviceInterface IP AddressDLCI NumberConnected with
R1Sub-Serial 0/0/0.2192.168.2.1/24102R4
R4Serial 0/0/0192.168.2.2/24100R1
frame relay example
Following commands will be used to configure the R1.

Router – R1
Router1#configure terminal
Router1(config)#interface serial 0/0/0
Router1(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relay
Router1(config-if)#no shutdown
Router1(config-if)#interface serial 0/0/0.1 multipoint
Router1(config-subif)#ip address
Router1(config-subif)#frame-relay interface-dlci 100
Router1(config-subif)#frame-relay interface-dlci 101
Router1(config-subif)#interface serial 0/0/0.2 point-to-point
Router1(config-subif)#ip address
Router1(config-subif)#frame-relay interface-dlci 102
As we know from pervious example, Frame Relay can be configured from interface mode. We used first three commands to access the interface mode. Next command is used to change default encapsulation method to Frame Relay. Fifth command is used to enable the interface. These five commands are explained in previous example.
Okay Let’s understand remaining commands.
As we can see in figure R1 is connected with three sites from single serial interface. To connect multiple sites from single interface we have to divide it in sub interfaces.
Sub-interface is a virtual interface defined by IOS software. It uses the same hardware of physical interface but works just like a separate interface.
A sub-interface can works in two modes; point-to-point and multipoint.
In point-to-point mode, sub-interface can connect with single VC. In this mode each sub-interface requires its own IP subnet. Each IP address need to be map with unique DLCI address.
In multipoint mode, sub-interface can connect with multiple VCs. A single IP address can be mapped with multiple DLCI addresses. Usually this mode is used in fully meshed network type where routers are connected with all routers.
Key points
Before we create sub interface, we first need to set encapsulation on physical interface. Physical interface need to be enabled from no shutdown command and it should be remain enabled always. If we disable the physical interface, all associate sub-interface will be disabled. Since sub-interfaces use their own IP configuration we cannot assign IP address in physical interface.
Following command will create a sub-interface from serial interface.
Router(config-if)#interface serial 0/0/0.1 multipoint :- Since this sub-interface will connect with two sites, multipoint mode will be used here.
Router(config-subif)#ip address :- This command will set a common IP address for all VCs that we will connect from this interface. As we know in multipoint mode we are allowed to use a single IP subnet for multiple VCs. We will use this IP address to connect with both sites (VCs).
Frame Relay provides us LMI options and DLCI numbers. LMI option is used to exchange management messages between router and Frame Relay switch while DLCI number is used to identify the other end of VC. In our example VC that has DLCI number 100 is connected with R2 and VC with DLCI number 101 is connected with R3. Router will automatically map DLCI number with correct VC. We only need to provide the DLCI numbers which are associated with the interface. Following commands will do this job for this sub-interface.
Router1(config-subif)#frame-relay interface-dlci 100
Router1(config-subif)#frame-relay interface-dlci 101
Since default LMI (Cisco) option is used in this example, we need not configure it here.
On Job
If Cisco router is running IOS version 11.2 or higher, interface will automatically detect corresponding LMI type.
R1 has one more point-to-point connection. For that connection we need a separate sub-interface. Following command will create another point-to-point sub-interface.
Router1(config-subif)#interface serial 0/0/0.2 point-to-point
Following command will assign IP address in interface.
Router1(config-subif)#ip address
Next command will assign associated DLCI number to it.
Router1(config-subif)#frame-relay interface-dlci 102
Exam Tip
Point-to-point sub-interface map single DLCI and use a separate IP subnet. It also solve split horizon issue.
That’s all configuration we need on this router. We can use exit command to return back in global configuration mode or in privileged exec mode (from global configuration mode).
Same way we will configure R2 and R3.
Router - R2
Router2#configure terminal
Router2(config)#interface serial 0/0/0
Router2(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relay
Router2(config-if)#no shutdown
Router2(config)#interface serial 0/0/0.1 multipoint
Router2(config-subif)#ip address
Router2(config-subif)#frame-relay interface-dlci 100
Router2(config-subif)#frame-relay interface-dlci 101
Router - R3
Router3#configure terminal
Enter 3configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
Router3(config)#interface serial 0/0/0
Router3(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relay
Router3(config-if)#no shutdown
Router3(config)#interface serial 0/0/0.1 multipoint
Router3(config-subif)#ip address
Router3(config-subif)#frame-relay interface-dlci 100
Router3(config-subif)#frame-relay interface-dlci 101
Router R4 has only one point-to-point link with R1. Since there is only one connection we can use physical interface for it or may create a logical interface as explained above, choice is ours.
Router - R4
Router4#configure terminal
Enter 4configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
Router4(config)#interface serial 0/0/0
Router4(config-if)#ip address
Router4(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relay
Router4(config-if)#frame-relay interface-dlci 100
Router4(config-if)#no shutdown
That’s all configuration we need to bring this frame relay network up. We can test our implementation with ping command. If everything is fine, routers should be able to access connected sites.
frame relay test implementation
You can use my configured topology for cross check.

Frame Relay configuration command sheet

Router(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relayEnable Frame Relay encapsulation in interface
Router(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relay ietfEnable Frame Relay ietf encapsulation in interface. Used if connecting with Non-Cisco router.
Router(config-if)#frame-relay lmitype {ansi | cisco | q933a}Used to set LMI type. If router is running Cisco ISO 11.2 or higher, this command is optional. As router will automatically detect the correct LMI type.
Router(config-if)#frame-relay interface-dlci 100Assign DLCI number 100 in interface.
Router(config-if)#frame-relay map ip 110 broadcastUsed to map remote IP with local DLCI statically. Mapping is automatically done by inverse ARP protocol.
By default Frame Relay does not forward any broadcast packet in VC. Due to this reason any routing protocol that depends on broadcast will not work with Frame Relay.
Use broadcast keyword to enable broadcast forwarding on this VC.
Router(config-if)#no frame-relay inverse arpUsed to Turn off inverse ARP. If we turn off the inverse ARP, we have to map remote IP and local DLCI statically.
Router(config-if)#interface serial 0/0/0.1 point-to-pointCreates a point-to-point sub-interface numbered 1
Router#show frame-relay mapUsed to view IP/DLCI map entries
Router#show frame-relay pvcUsed to view the status of all PVCs configured
Router#show frame-relay lmiDisplays LMI statistics including types and exchanged messages
Router#clear frame-relay countersClears all Frame Relay counters
Router#clear frame-relay inarpReset map table and Clears all Inverse ARP entries
Router#debug frame-relay lmiEnable debug process on LMI.
Router#no debug frame-relay lmiDisable debug process on LMI.

Note:  This guide is from computernetworkingnotes.com
if you want to study more about Frame-Relay or any other networking topics regarding CISCO, so you can simply ask me the topics in comment and i will provide you the simpler available article on internet or i will make that one for you.

Thursday, 4 August 2016

CCNA Exam (200-120) Guide with 58% Discount Voucher!

Getting a valid Cisco certification means a lot in the market, as it is going to boost your career as a networking professional.  This article is specifically for those who are planning to appear in the globally recognized exam of CCNA (Routing & Switching). If you would like to get a detailed description on Cisco Certified Network Associate you can simply check out the official Cisco CCNAX Exam traning guide here.
An important thing that most people won’t tell you is that there are frauds out there who will offer you a Cisco certification, demanding hard cash for it, assuring that you won’t need to go through the exam and study process. There are chances of you getting robbed and ending up receiving a fraudulent document.
There’s no shortcuts to this.

Don’t Trust Anyone!

Do not, and I mean it, do NOT trust anyone that tells you that you can get the certification by paying a third party. Let me go ahead and tell you the real story behind it.
What actually happens is that someone from a remote location (i.e. Srilanka) will attempt the online exam on behalf of you, using a fake identity. They give you the impression that they’ve passed the exam and depict that you are certified.
But here’s what actually happens. When you check the official Cisco tracking system, it does not appear over there with your picture. Don’t let the frauds outsmart you, because after reading this piece of writing you will have enough knowledge of the dos and don’ts of passing CCNA.
I would personally recommend that you do things the right way. I can assure you that if you follow the given instructions in this article, the Cisco CCNA certification will take only a matter of weeks. And on top of that you can get a discount up to 58% on the exam fee.
There are two ways to attempt the certification paper:
  • 200-120 CCNAX  – Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices: Accelerated  (One Exam)
  • 100-101 ICND1/101-200 ICND2 – Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices (Two Exams)
I recommend that you appear for 200-120 CCNAX, as it’s only one exam, hence less exams and less burden.
Pick the Right Exam
Pick the right exam from the above-mentioned names and don’t opt for 640-802 CCNA as it is not accepted anymore and is obsolete.
Now it is time to answer the million dollar question of what you need to do in order to get certified in a hassle free, secure and economic way.
People in the market charge 3000-5000 rupees just for these tips. I myself paid the same amount in order to get the information about the discount, but I’m sharing everything I learned absolutely free to help out others.  In case of any questions, you can comment below this post and I’ll answer.
Follow these simple instructions and become a CCNA today.

Step 1: Get a Discount on the Exam

1)  Register yourself as an exam applicant

Simply register online by providing all the necessary information and make an account.
There are two ways to do it
After making an account, fill out the profile information box; verify your details via email then select theCCNA routing & switching course.

2) Click the Module section

In the next step you’ll see a module which carries about 9 – 11 chapters with 20 -35 MCQs each and one final paper with 50-60 MCQs .You will be required to attempt 4 modules in total within a time frame of 2 months .Once you have completed the first module you will automatically have access of the second one and so on so forth.
Don’t answer all sections in the module; only answer chapter exams and the final exam. Attempting others will be a waste of time, although you can try out practice exam to get an idea of how things work.
Don’t start answering the module yet as there is a 75 min time to complete each of the chapters exam and 90 mins for the final module exam.

3) How do I answer all the questions?

In order to answer all modules chapter and final exam questions, you can take online help from ccna5ccnp and ccna5. It’s free and easy to navigate. Simply click the relevant section to get answers, copy the question and paste it in the Find option on the specific help website that you are using.
Passing criteria is 85%, but as you have all the answers in front of you, so passing won’t be much of a trouble. All you gotta do is act smart.

4) Wait for the discount voucher to arrive via email

Complete all the modules and after passing them all, you’ll have to wait for the discount voucher to arrive via email. Once you have received the discount code, keep it safe with you as you’re gonna need it for theOfficial CCNA exam. By this time you are eligible to appear in the exam anytime within a period of 3 months, and the best thing is you have to pay only 125$ instead of 300$.You will save money plus you’re now familiar with the questions and the process. Things can’t get easier and better than this!

Step 2: Preparing for the CCNA Exam

1) Study material / free software for home based practicals

Install Packet tracer as it is going to help you in performing all practicals related to the exam .It is free and saves you a lot of money on expensive hardware .One software and your job is done. Books include Cisco CCENT/CCNA Official Cert Guide by Cisco Press. More free online material is mentioned in my previous post.

2) Exam dumps

Exam dumps are basically, guess papers or past papers. 99% of the final exam is comprised of the latest dumps. Choice of a dump file is very important so I have only mentioned the top ranking dumps sites that provide up to date material. For latest dumps visit getfreedumpsexamcollection and braindumpsA dump file consists of 350-400 questions out of which each and every question of the CCNA exam is asked.

3) Exam structure

Final paper comprises of 50- 60 MCQs which are to be attempted within a time limit of 90 mins.

4) How to get extra time in the exam

Most of you might not know that people who belong to a non-native English speaking country can get a 30 min extension in exam time. As a Pakistani, you’ll be allotted a total of 120 mins to attempt the complete exam. All you have to do is request the examiner to add the additional time in your exam.

5) Passing criteria

You need to score a minimum of 85% to pass CCNA. Once you’ve passed, Tada! Mission accomplished.

Exam rectification

CCNA expires after 3 years as the technology keeps on changing with time .You have to rectify the certification in order to understand latest technologies.

Jobs In upcoming future  

CCNA Routing and switching is a good option as it is the jack of all trades and in the future, you can even get hired for integration of IPv4 to IPv6.

Job placement

Cisco itself offers its students a chance to work professionally with Cisco Inc. It is also running academy monster program which helps fresh CCNA’s to find jobs and on top of that you can always trust Google for job hunt.
Feedback and comments are highly appreciated
Best Of Luck Guys!
Ali Hassan Manzoor